Sunday, January 11, 2009

Making way for the next gen...

About six months ago, my film, MISSING PIECES, was a featured film on MySpace. 

It was featured both on the front page of MySpace, and I was also a featured filmmaker in the filmmaking section.  Anyway, the coolest thing about being showcased in this way was hearing from a lot of great people.

One message that stood out was from a young duo, the Carberry brothers from Ohio.

Here's an TV piece from FOX where the producer of Slingblade mentions them:

 I was very impressed with the work of these 17 year old kids.  You can see their work here

Anyway, now they are 18, and out in LA.

Yesterday, I had the good fortune of hanging out with them, and checking out their work. I was blown away with what they are doing- incredibly sophisticated stuff for two 18 year olds.  It made me happy to see these kids with tools to chase their dreams so early. They have a lightness I hope they never lose.  But along with that they had depth, and don't just want to make cool, flashy technically impressive films- they also want to make work that comes from their heart.  And when I spoke with them about serious filmmakers, like Gus Van Sant, they really seemed to get it.  At their young age they have a handle on their craft, while still in possession of the humility necessary to progress in one's art.  I look forward to seeing where they go, learning from them, and supporting them in their dreams.

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